HomeLEADERSHIPThriving in Uncertain Times: Leadership Insights from Wasaba Jayasekara

Thriving in Uncertain Times: Leadership Insights from Wasaba Jayasekara

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In this exclusive interview with Global CEO Magazine, Mr Wasaba Jayasekara, the Managing Director of Hayleys Aventura, shares his insights into leadership, innovation, and navigating through crises. As Sri Lanka faced unprecedented challenges, including the pandemic and a major economic crisis, Jayasekara’s organisation had to adapt rapidly to ensure survival and growth.

In this conversation, he reveals the strategies that helped Hayleys Aventura rise above the difficulties, the importance of technology and team flexibility, and his vision for the future of business in Sri Lanka and beyond.

Q: Sri Lanka has been through significant challenges recently, including the pandemic and the economic crisis. Many businesses, especially smaller ones, have been hit hard. How did you ensure that your organisation successfully crossed these hurdles?

Wasaba Jayasekara: First of all, thank you, Nadi, for having me on Global CEO Magazine. To answer your question, the first step in dealing with any crisis is understanding the gravity of the issue. Problems don’t just appear once and disappear the next day; they come in waves, often on a daily basis. So, it’s crucial to recognise these challenges and prepare the team to face them.

One of the strategies we implemented was fostering a mindset that encourages us to look outward. We examined what was happening in other markets and industries, learning from how they navigated similar issues. Technology, for instance, played a significant role in overcoming challenges. The key is to remain aware of these external factors and opportunities. As a company, we looked for new opportunities in other markets and adopted strategies from around the world.

Q: As you mentioned, challenges arise constantly, not just in times of crisis. How did your organisation keep up with changing market conditions, and what innovations did you implement?

Wasaba Jayasekara: With the pandemic, we were physically distant from each other, but technology bridged that gap. Whether it was using Teams, Zoom, or other digital platforms, technology became a central element of our operations. So, the first thing we did was to embrace technology.

There’s no shortage of technological advancements today, from artificial intelligence to cutting-edge software and equipment. But embracing these advancements requires awareness. Leaders and teams alike must actively seek out these technologies and be willing to adapt. The pandemic highlighted the need for flexibility, not only in our tech usage but also in how our teams functioned. A flexible and dynamic team is essential.

Q: You’ve emphasised the importance of flexibility within the team. What qualities do you think leaders should have to ensure that their organisation remains stable in such challenging times?

Wasaba Jayasekara: Leadership needs to recognise a challenge for what it is and be ready to act. If your team seems weak in the face of a challenge, it’s your job as a leader to strengthen them. For instance, the concept of working from home was initially foreign to many of us, but now it’s an accepted part of the business landscape.

The key is balance. A leader should be able to recognise when working from home is more effective and when physical presence is necessary. You don’t need your team in the office from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM every day, but you do need them to get their work done. Leaders need to adapt their mindset to this new world of work. Flexibility is key, both for the leader and the team.

Q: Looking at the business environment in Sri Lanka, what changes do you foresee in the next five years?

Wasaba Jayasekara: Technology-driven innovation will be the cornerstone of progress. This won’t happen automatically; each business must actively pursue it. Key industries like tourism will need to adapt. If we’re to increase tourist numbers, for instance, the entire system—from the airport to hotels—needs to be ready. We can even tap into rural areas, offering unique village experiences, which could drive foreign exchange.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) also have significant potential, especially with today’s digital tools. Educated individuals can run businesses from home and access global markets with minimal setups. Agriculture and food security will also be critical, but across all sectors, innovation and technology will drive growth.

Q: Finally, on a global level, how do you plan to keep your organisation competitive amidst local and global challenges?

Wasaba Jayasekara: Staying competitive requires a keen understanding of global shifts. For example, the automotive industry is transitioning from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles (EVs), and this has completely reshaped supply chains. Similarly, we see AI-driven tools being integrated across industries, from healthcare to manufacturing.

Another key aspect is generational shifts. As we manage teams across different generations—Gen Z, millennials, and baby boomers—we must understand their needs and adapt our business operations accordingly. Sometimes, this means going back to basics while integrating new technologies. Staying informed on global trends and embracing change is crucial for survival and growth.


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