Telegram is making changes to improve safety and user privacy following the arrest of its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, in France. According to Clare Duffy, reporting for CNN, Durov was detained over allegations of criminal activity on the platform, including gang transactions and trafficking, and for not cooperating with authorities by providing user data for an investigation.
After being released on bail of $5.56 million, Telegram faced criticism for being used by criminals, including drug traffickers and extremists.
Despite Durov defending the platform’s privacy policy and denying responsibility for misuse, he acknowledged that the app’s rapid growth had allowed more abuse. As reported by CNN, Telegram has updated its terms of service to cooperate with law enforcement by sharing user data, such as IP addresses and phone numbers, for valid legal requests.
The company also plans to publish quarterly transparency reports detailing the data shared with authorities. These measures aim to curb illegal activities on the platform.
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