HomeBANKINGFrom Ambition to Achievement: Unveiling Ishani Palliyaguru’s Journey to Excellence

From Ambition to Achievement: Unveiling Ishani Palliyaguru’s Journey to Excellence

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In a recent interview, we had the privilege of speaking with Ms Ishani Palliyaguru, Vice President of Project Finance and Corporate Credit Control at the National Development Bank, delving into her remarkable journey and insights across various domains. From her formative years to her current role as a distinguished business woman, Ishani’s narrative is shaped by ambition, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Join us as we explore her compelling story, navigating through challenges, triumphs, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Ishani’s journey serves as an inspiring testament to the transformative power of resilience and determination in achieving professional success.”

Q. Can you share with us your journey from your school days to your current position as a prominent business woman?

My journey towards becoming a prominent businesswoman has been shaped by a combination of ambition, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Growing up as the only child in a family where both parents were dedicated professionals in the private and financial sectors, I learned the value of independence from an early age. Despite the demands on my parents’ time, I was encouraged to be self-sufficient, often navigating daily routines and responsibilities on my own.

Throughout my school days, I exhibited a keen academic prowess and a passion for extracurricular activities.

I strived to excel in every endeavour, earning recognition as a studious and ambitious student while also actively participating in various sports and leadership roles. Upon completing my A/Levels, instead of idling away the two-year hiatus before university as most of my peers did during that time, I seized the opportunity to gain practical experience by joining HSBC as a Banking Assistant. This decision not only provided invaluable insights into the banking industry but also allowed me to commence my banking exams, setting the initial stages for a career in finance.

However, once I started my higher education at the University of Colombo, I opted to pursue a degree in Biological Science, a field that initially diverged from the banking experience I had acquired till then.

However, driven by an innate desire to excel, I juggled academic pursuits with CIMA (UK) exams, a testament to my unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth. Despite the challenges posed by divergent interests and time constraints, I remained steadfast in my resolve to obtain qualifications that would open doors to diverse career opportunities.

Upon completing my degree, I embarked on a transformative journey into the private sector, initially as an Assistant Lecturer at a university before transitioning to Hemas Marketing as a Management Trainee. This foray into marketing provided valuable insights into consumer behaviour and market dynamics, enriching my skill set and broadening my perspective. However, my innate passion for banking persisted, eventually leading me to join NDB in 2000, where I commenced my tenure as a Management Trainee.

Since joining NDB, I have traversed a path marked by continuous learning, professional development, and leadership opportunities. Despite the demands of a burgeoning career, including completing banking exams and pursuing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, I navigated each challenge with resilience and determination.
Guided by supportive mentors and fuelled by an unyielding ambition to excel, I ascended through the ranks, assuming roles of increasing responsibility and impact.
Today, as Vice President of Project Finance and Corporate Credit Control at NDB, I am privileged to lead a dynamic team of highly qualified professionals and contribute to the bank’s strategic objectives. My journey, characterised by perseverance, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, serves as a testament to the transformative power of ambition and resilience in realising one’s professional aspirations.

Q. What were some of the major challenges you faced along the way, and how did you overcome them?

Throughout my journey, one of the most significant challenges I encountered was striking a balance between my personal and professional commitments. As a working professional, the primary caregiver for my parents, and as a mother and wife, I faced the daunting task of juggling familial responsibilities with the demands of a demanding career.

Balancing the competing demands of work and family life required meticulous planning, unwavering dedication, and an unwavering commitment to prioritising responsibilities.
At times, the demands of my career necessitated sacrifices in my personal-social life, as I prioritised meeting professional obligations and familial responsibilities. However, with the unwavering support and understanding of my family and a resilient spirit, I navigated through these challenges, leveraging effective time management strategies and prioritisation techniques to maintain equilibrium amidst competing demands.

Additionally, navigating the intricacies of a male-dominated infrastructure financing industry posed its own set of challenges, requiring me to assert myself confidently, overcome stereotypes, and carve out my niche in a competitive landscape. Through perseverance, resilience, and a steadfast determination to prove my capabilities, I transcended barriers, earning the respect and recognition of peers and superiors alike.


Moreover, I faced a particularly demanding period when my husband was posted on an expatriate mission to India for five years. During this time, I assumed sole responsibility for managing work and domestic matters, effectively juggling both responsibilities. Despite the added pressure and the imperative of overseeing my daughter’s education, including her O-level and AL exams at the time, I remained resolute. With the steadfast support of my husband and family, I navigated through this period with resilience and grace, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to overcoming adversity.

Q. Could you highlight some of your key achievements throughout your career?

Certainly, over the course of my career, I have had the privilege of spearheading several initiatives and achieving significant milestones that have left an indelible mark on both my professional journey and the organisations I have served. One of my proudest achievements has been the establishment of NDB as a pioneering force in offshore lending and project financing.

As one of the very first banks at the time to venture into offshore lending on a non-recourse basis, NDB has extended financial support to projects in diverse countries, including Bangladesh, Uganda, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Maldives,. Under my leadership, NDB’s Project Finance brand emerged as a trailblazer in the banking industry, renowned for its expertise, innovation, and commitment to excellence. By strategically leveraging opportunities in offshore lending and syndicate arrangements, we positioned NDB as a trusted partner for domestic and international projects, garnering accolades and recognition on both regional and global platforms.

Furthermore, I take personal pride in championing initiatives aimed at fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning within the organization. I had actively advocated for overseas training opportunities for my team members with esteemed institutions like Swedish development finance institutions (SIDAs) and similar DFIs. Hence, by investing in the professional development of my team members, cultivating a supportive work environment, and embracing emerging trends and technologies, I have played a pivotal role in driving organisational growth and resilience amidst evolving market dynamics.

Overall, my journey has been characterised by a relentless pursuit of excellence, a commitment to continuous learning and growth, and a passion for making a meaningful impact in the realm of finance and banking.

As I continue to chart new horizons and embrace fresh challenges, I remain guided by the principles of integrity, resilience, and visionary leadership, steadfast in my resolve to leave a lasting legacy of excellence and innovation in all my endeavours.

Q. How do you define success, and do you feel you’ve achieved your goals in life so far?


Success, to me, transcends mere professional accomplishments; it encompasses a holistic fulfilment encompassing career achievements, familial harmony, and personal growth.
I envision success as a 360-degree journey where my aspirations intertwine with the achievements and happiness of my family members. It’s not just about climbing the corporate ladder; it’s about fostering an environment where every facet of my life, from my career to my family’s well-being, flourishes harmoniously. By embracing this comprehensive definition of success, I believe I’ve made significant strides in achieving my goals, both professionally and personally.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve ever received in your professional journey, and how has it impacted your approach to leadership?

The most invaluable advice I’ve received came from a respected uncle, whose career trajectory serves as a beacon of inspiration. He emphasised the importance of adaptability and versatility, urging me to cultivate the ability to thrive in any environment, from humble settings to high-profile boardrooms.

This counsel resonated deeply with me, shaping my leadership philosophy centred on humility, versatility, and effective communication. As a leader, I strive to embody these qualities, fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and adaptability within my team.

Q. Considering your experience, what advice would you offer to aspiring businesswomen who are just starting their careers?

For aspiring businesswomen embarking on their professional journeys, I offer the following advice: prioritise balance, embrace resilience, and cultivate emotional intelligence. Success extends beyond career milestones; it encompasses familial harmony, personal growth, and societal contributions. By prioritising balance and resilience, aspiring businesswomen can navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and determination. Additionally, nurturing emotional intelligence facilitates effective leadership, enabling women to excel in diverse roles and environments.

Q. In your opinion, what qualities make a great leader, and how do you embody these qualities in your own leadership style?

Great leaders possess vision, commitment, courage, interpersonal skills, and inspiration. As a leader, I strive to embody these qualities by setting clear goals, fostering collaboration, leading by example, and inspiring my team to achieve excellence. By cultivating a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and continuous learning, I empower my team members to realise their full potential and contribute meaningfully to organisational objectives.

Q. Can you share your thoughts on the importance of fostering a positive attitude towards employees within an organisation?

Fostering a positive attitude among employees is paramount to cultivating a thriving organisational culture and driving collective success. When employees feel valued, supported, and motivated, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal contributors to the organisation’s mission and goals. A positive work environment promotes collaboration, creativity, and innovation, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among team members.

As a leader, I prioritise maintaining open communication channels, providing constructive feedback, and recognising and celebrating achievements to foster a positive atmosphere within the team. Encouraging a growth mindset and resilience helps employees navigate challenges and setbacks with optimism and determination, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Moreover, investing in employee development and well-being, whether through training and mentorship programmes, flexible work arrangements, or wellness initiatives, demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to supporting its workforce holistically. By promoting positivity and empowerment, organisations can cultivate a culture where employees feel motivated, inspired, and empowered to contribute their best, driving long-term success and sustainability.


Q. How do you prioritise work-life balance, and what strategies do you use to maintain it in your busy schedule?

Prioritising work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and productivity. I adopt a proactive approach to time management, allocating dedicated time slots for work, family, and personal pursuits. By establishing clear boundaries and delegating responsibilities effectively, I ensure that work commitments do not encroach upon personal time. Additionally, I leverage multitasking skills and effective communication to streamline workflows and maximise productivity. By embracing a holistic approach to life, I strive to maintain equilibrium amidst the demands of a busy schedule.

Q. What do you believe is the role of mentorship in career development, and have you had any influential mentors throughout your journey?

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in career development, offering guidance, support, and wisdom gleaned from experience. Throughout my journey, I’ve been fortunate to have had influential mentors who have provided invaluable insights, challenged my perspectives, and inspired me to reach new heights. Their mentorship has been instrumental in shaping my leadership style, fostering personal growth, and navigating complex professional challenges. As a firm believer in the transformative power of mentorship, I actively seek opportunities to mentor and empower others, paying forward the invaluable lessons imparted to me by my mentors.

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