HomeLEADERSHIPClassifying The Influencing Target Spurs In Consumer Branding

Classifying The Influencing Target Spurs In Consumer Branding

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By: Sabrina Zavahir

In the aspects of marketing, ‘’Brand Awareness” certainly plays an important role. Consumers of today face a vast commodity of brands. Higher the brand consciousness is given for a certain product, distinctly , it’s easier to attract the attention of consumers.

Awareness of a brand may connect with the purchasing decision based on attitudes, emotions and recognition of a brand by recalling or depending on the product usage experience.

Perceptions of consumers if realized by establishments into “consumer branding retaining customers” are feasible. The mastery of holding brands to higher standards makes a significant impact on brand strategizing.

We, connected with Sabrina Esufally –
Managing Director, Hemas Consumer Brands on how brands should survive and thrive in the coming years.

Q. The relevance and distinctiveness in branding is a vital decision and done somewhat may sporadically, so, is it necessary to follow strict guidelines in the implementing process ?

I think it is really important to have a clear idea of what your brand stands for and how it delivers better value to your customer or consumer. This is something you should embed into the heart of the brand and ensure that all communication, activities and innovation the brand undertakes complement that. That way, over time your brand can achieve distinctiveness and create a lasting change in consumer experience.

Q. Understanding the fact that how consumers respond to brands and obtaining that assurance is a mastery, hence, your views with regard to the same?

At Hemas, we take a lot of time to understand where consumer needs are heading. We spend time with our consumers to figure out how their behaviours are changing, and what more they are looking for, from their products or experiences. We also try to understand what their present dissatisfactions are with the products they are currently using. Figuring out the answers to the above is the best way to ensure that your products improve a consumer’s quality of life – even in a small way.

Q. Different form of marketing activities relating to the aspects of a classic marketing mix for a brand, is it a necessity?

I think you have to change your marketing mix as fast as your consumers habits. If not, you risk being irrelevant or spending money in the wrong places. For example, if your consumer is suddenly spending 50% or more of her media time on digital and you don’t advertise on social media, your communications will be out of sync and ultimately less impactful. You also have to be willing to respond to behaviour or contextual shifts that are happening around you. Content is far more dynamic and agile than it used to be and attention spans are getting shorter. So the real challenge for most brands is to stay ahead of the curve and increase relevance to consumers.

Q . What are your perspectives regarding “ Brand attachment and Loyalty ,” how can it be achieved?

Brand loyalty is an outcome of the value you create for your consumer. If you have repeatedly given consumers a great product experience or successfully managed to fulfil an unmet need – there is a higher chance that consumers will develop a sense of trust and delight in your brand. I think once consumers can consistently count on you to give them good quality products and superior experiences – brand loyalty will develop.

Q. Brands can make lives simpler and more rewarding since brands can make a rich meaning in adding value, therefore, what makes a positive quality in a brand ?

I think if a brand can transform something about a consumer’s life, that’s a really rewarding thing. For example, with Baby Cheramy – I have personally experienced how the islandwide mother clinics that the brand sponsors have helped young mothers navigate the uncertainty of motherhood. With Fems Aya, our value-engineered sanitary napkin brand, I have seen how education programmes in schools have taught young girls about the importance of menstrual health and hygiene. Similarly, with Clogard we do dental camps around the country, educating families about good oral hygiene. Initiatives like this, where brands can really become platforms for change, is what makes the business of brands meaningful.

Q. The role of a brand preference earned by a consumer is certainly through the brand compatibility. Could you share the strategy behind this influence on how a consumer is satisfied with a brand ?

Achieving consumer satisfaction is an important part of a brand’s success. It definitely does not happen overnight and you have to be willing to fail multiple times before you get it right. For us, it all starts with ensuring that our products are loved by our consumers – even before they see the packaging or the advertisement. If you can get to a point where consumers love your products before they see any of the frills – you have a higher chance of success.


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